For the past 5 week's the year 7/8 hub has been doing an online maths course to help with our maths I'm going to tell you the six lessons i did.
Lesson 1 Smashing stereotypes.
Smashing stereotypes mean's like building origami, Lego and apps on your computer.
These games can really help you with your math. The reason it helps you in your maths is because you might have to measure wood, you might have to count block's you have there are many way's.
So that was lesson 1 time for lesson 2.
Lesson 2 Mindset.
Mindset means in math you don't have to be so fast one of the smartest mathematician's did math quite slowly and he thought about his question's. He was one of the smartest in the school at math he worked very hard. So at math you don't need to be fast even the best aren't always smart.
Lesson 3 Mistakes.
A cording to Jo bowler a math teacher and Stanford university said that if you make a mistake your brain grow's. I don't really agree you need to know the answer or you've got it wrong i haven't really got much to say about this lets go straight into lesson 4.
Lesson 4 Number flexibility.
Number flexibility is when people that succeed in math make the most mistakes that's weird.
The reason those people succeed is because they learn from there mistakes and get them the next time for the future. So that was lesson 4 now lesson number 5.
Lesson 5 Making sense and intuition.
Making sense and intuition means a story shows that intuition can be a very important factor in decision making. Decision making is very good in math's. You need to have good decision making in math or you wont succeed now lets move on to the last lesson it is lesson 6.
Lesson 6 maths and pattern's for this lesson im going to be showing you a picture of how this number pattern work's.

So that how you do a number pattern and this blog has come to an end see you in the next post bye.
Yo lit dude, Its kinda like my blog check its fire gang. But nice I enjoy reading your blogs :)